Maryka Rypma
250-635-7944 (ext. 6113)
1-800-663-3865 (ext. 6113)
Family Studies 12 Course Outline
The aim of this Family Studies 12 course is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will assist them in making informed decisions related to family and interpersonal relationships. In the first half of the course, students will examine how changes in society impact the definition of family and the functions of the family, as well as explore family trends in Canada and family customs and traditions in different cultures. Students will examine the roles and responsibilities of family members, family values, and the influence of family dynamics. Students will also understand the economic, social, and emotional issues facing families today and practical strategies for coping with those challenges. In the second half of the course, students will study how relationships form and change. Students will explore a variety of relationships, including work relationships, friendships, and committed relationships, as well as examine how these relationships evolve or end. This course will also provide an overview on effective communication, wellness, and safety in interpersonal relationships. Students will examine the variety of ways people communicate and describe components of healthy and unhealthy relationships. Students will conclude this course by researching careers associated with interpersonal and family relationships.
Learning Outcomes
Family Studies 12 meets the Prescribed Learning Outcomes set out in the BC Ministry of Education Integrated Resource Package. Some of these are:
Module: | Curriculum Organizers/Learning Outcomes: |
Families in Society |
Interpersonal and Family Relationships |
For a complete list of Learning Outcomes refer to the Family Studies IRP.
Submitting Assignments
All students are expected to use Internet resources and Moodle course tools to enhance traditional research and presentation methods. This is beneficial to students in that it provides them with a stored copy of their work in the event that it is lost, and it helps build information-processing skills.
This course is made up of two Modules as previously discussed. Each module is made up of lessons, practice activities and assignments. Lessons represent what a student would learn and/or have as homework in one or more class periods at school. In a lesson, the information a student needs to know about a particular topic learn is presented through a variety of different mediums (video, written text, interactive online activities and games and readings in online documents). There are practice quizzes and activities so students can test their knowledge. Most people can’t learn just by reading or even by reading and underlining. It is important to actually process the information you are learning by doing something with it. It’s important the students don’t skip the practice activities. In addition to helping students learn, they can also be activities in which they do research and prepare for projects that are submitted as an assignment later in the course. Students are responsible for completing all readings and tasks as directed within their course.
Students will submit all assignments within the course. If a student needs help or direction in regards to how to do this they should contact their teacher.
To complete this course successfully, students need to spend the same amount of time studying as students in a regular classroom setting. Family Studies 12 should take about 100-120 hours to complete. There are no short-cuts or easy ways to gain a satisfactory results. Students should plan to spend about 8-10 hours per week on this course. How a student does this is up to them. This is the great benefit of working online! Each student can choose when to work and for how long – as long as there is weekly progress (meaning that a student needs to hand in work on a weekly basis at an absolute minimum). Ask your teacher for help setting up a weekly guideline/schedule for handing in assignments. Students are welcome (and encouraged!) to work ahead, as schedules can get really tight when one falls behind.
Assignments (includes quizzes) – 50% (25% each Module)
Course Projects (1 per Module) – 20% (10% each Module)
Module Exams – 30% (15% each Module)
All assignments will be marked on content, analysis, and the ability to communicate in a clear and effective manner. Marking criteria is clearly outlined in each task description and will be graded accordingly. All assignments and tests must be completed before a grade will be awarded in this course.
Browser note
Several of the media pieces do not work in Internet Explorer. It is suggested that Firefox/Safari/Chrome be used as the browser for this course.